The project
The Francis Kurkdjian Endowment Fund is supporting Rachid Ouramdane, Director of the Théâtre national de la danse de Chaillot, on the "Pépites d'Art" project.
The aim of "Pépites d'Art" is to promote access to culture for young people aged 12 to 25 who are far from it and to unearth talent in order to allow "artist nuggets" to emerge and artistic projects to be born. Thanks to partnerships with associations in the field, with the Cité éducative and the Plan régional pour l'insertion des jeunes (PRIJ), the choreographer and visual artist Smaïl Kanouté and his Compagnie Vivons, will meet young people aged 12 to 25 living in the Quartier de la Politique de la Ville (QPV) of La Goutte d'Or and of La Chapelle.
Through workshops, performances, demonstrations, meetings, visits to the Théâtre national de danse de Chaillot, discoveries of professions such as sound management, lighting, costumes and access to rehearsals : Audiences themselves will become actors in cultural processes.

A graduate of ENSAD (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs), Smail Kanouté is a graphic designer, screen printer, visual artist, dancer and choreographer. An artist with an ebullient creativity, he is enthusiastic about any new formal challenge. He founded the Cie Vivons in 2016 to experiment with his own performative projects. He is part of this young generation that renews visual and aesthetic codes, all disciplines included.