The project

Writing workshop and dance of stories of exiles

The aim is to help people living in exile to express themselves around this theme in order to better understand their presence here, to share their stories and help them to formulate them through an artistic, sensitive and creative approach. Translating them through gestures, but also starting with the words of those who have immigrated, crossed land and sea for a dignified and free future.

Testimonies in the form of letters sent to family and friends, recounting a moment in this new life. With pens and white paper, to describe the reality and intimacy of those who today take the risk of losing their lives, in exchange for a dignity and freedom that are not always guaranteed.

To express a moment of this new life...

After the writing, there will be a time for listening to and discovering these stories, where everyone will take part in staged readings, gradually evolving towards a reading embodied by the body of each participant.

Philippe Lebhar: Trained at Madame Favre’s private school in Lyon before joining the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon in 1995, from which he graduated in 1998. He began his career with Andy Degroat, and quickly went on to work in Sweden, Spain, and Belgium, where he collaborated with choreographers Lena Josefsson, Vicente Saez, Filip Van Huffel, and the Cie Linga. Upon his return to France, he joined the CCN of Grenoble and then the one in Aix-en-Provence with Angelin Preljocaj. He later collaborated with numerous choreographers, including Radhouane El Meddeb, focusing on more performative forms.

Photo credit: Olivier Roller
Radhouane El Meddeb
Radhouane El Meddeb

Trained at the Institut Supérieur d'Art Dramatique in Tunis, Radhouane El Meddeb was an actor before turning to dance. His first creation was a solo, Pour en finir avec MOI, a kind of intimate introspection. He founded the Compagnie de SOI in 2006. He has created numerous works and presented them on stage and at festivals in France and abroad. From 2011 to 2017, he was an associate artist at the CENTQUATRE in Paris. In November 2023, Radhouane El Meddeb was appointed Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

Photo credit: Le Pôle Lorient
Philippe Lebhar
Philippe Lebhar

Formé à l'école privée de Madame Favre à Lyon avant d'intégrer le Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Lyon en 1995 d'où il sort diplômé en 1998. Il commence sa carrière avec Andy Degroat, puis rapidement travaille en Suède, en Espagne et en Belgique où il rencontre les chorégraphes Lena Josefsson, Vicente Saez, Filip Van Huffel, la Cie Linga. À son retour en France, il intègre le CCN de Grenoble puis celui d'Aix en Provence auprès d'Angelin Preljocaj. Par la suite il collabore avec de nombreux chorégraphes dont Radhouane El Meddeb sur des formes plus performatives.

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