The project
From July to November 2021, the giant puppet of a young Syrian refugee girl, named Little Amal, will walk 8000 km from Turkey to the UK to highlight the plight of young refugees around the world. Throughout a traveling festival of art and hope, Little Amal will symbolize the 32 million displaced children and will be a spokesperson for unaccompanied and separated children in their search for their missing parents and a better future.
At each stage of her journey, Little Amal will be welcomed by artistic and cultural events, organized by the inhabitants who receive her to put forward new ways of thinking about the notions of 'collective' and 'home'. Under the production of Good Chance by Stephen Daldry, David Lan and Tracey Seaward and the artistic direction of Amir Nizar Zuabi, The Walk is a true artistic odyssey transcending borders and counting the contribution of renowned artists as well as the involvement of major cultural institutions such as the Chaillot Theatre and the Arab World Institute in Paris.

At the heart of The Walk: "Little Amal", a 3.5 meter puppet representing a young refugee, built by the prestigious Handspring Puppet Company. Throughout its journey, the puppet is set in motion by a team of 20 people.